Make an Origami Christmas Star Decoration

5 Pointed Origami Star
Christmas Decorations

5 pointed origami star header image

These 5 pointed origami stars are easy to fold and make beautiful Christmas decorations. You can make them from magazines, scrapbook papers or sheet music, whatever you happen to have lying around.

We don't have our tree up just yet so for now I've put these Christmas star decorations on our mantelpiece.

5 pointed origami star front view

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One of the 5 pointed origami stars is folded from scan of a dictionary page and the others are made from vintage style scrapbook papers. I went for vintage patterns but you could equally well use bright Christmas colors.

5 pointed origami star angle view

5 pointed origami star close-up

I also tried hanging them on the mirror in our living room and I think they look quite nice there:

5 pointed origami stars hanging on mirror

Perhaps we'll move them to our Christmas tree once it's up :-)

Below is a photo shared by reader Kerrie who says "I made a garland out of my stars and used K&Company scrapbook paper for the stars" . Thanks for sharing your photo Kerrie!

5 pointed origami star garland

Here's another photo shared by reader Vicki, who made both the origami star from this page and also the modular money origami star. Thanks for sharing your photo Vicki!

5 pointed origami stars

Reader Mel Hurst made these gorgeous tiny stars to decorate Christmas cards and presents. Amazing folding Mel, and thanks for sharing your photo!

tiny 5 pointed origami stars

Credit for this design belongs to origami artist Mrs Toshie Takahama. Thank you to Edward Holmes for writing in with that information!

Materials for 5 Pointed Origami Star

All you need is:

  • a square sheet of paper. I like to use 12x12 scrapbooking paper.
  • some scissors

Origami purists will frown upon me using scissors but hey, this is the 21st century not feudal Japan ;-)

The finished star Christmas ornaments will be about 60% of the size of the square you start with. So a 12" square will make a 7" star, or a 8.5" square will make a 5" star.

Making the 5 Pointed Origami Star

Video vs Photo Instructions

I think it's way easier to learn how to make these stars by watching videos than by looking at photos, so I'm going to start by showing you the videos.

But if you have a really slow internet connection, or you prefer photos to video, then you can skip down to the step by step photos instead.

First up, you'll need to cut a pentagon out of your square. You can either trace my pentagon template , or you can use an origami trick. I prefer using the origami trick because it works for any size of paper, and also it's quicker. Here's a 2 minute video showing you how it's done:

Video 1: Cut a Pentagon from a Square (origami trick)

Once you've got your pentagon, you're ready to fold the star. Here's our little video showing how:

Video 2: Folding the Star

How did you star turn out? Please leave a comment if you've got a question or just want to say hi.

Making the Pentagon (Photos)

Are you sure you don't want to watch my 2 minute video instead? I think it's easier to follow than the pictures.

Got your square of paper? Great! Now we need to cut it into a pentagon shape.

You've got two options:

pentagon template

  • Option 1: Download and trace my pentagon template

  • Option 2: Use an origami trick to make a pentagon (instructions below). The advantage of the origami method is that it works for any size sheet of paper, however big or small.

Option 2: Origami Trick to Make Pentagon

Fold the square in half:

origami pentagon step 1

Fold up the bottom left corner to the top, then unfold again.

origami pentagon step 2

Fold the top left corner to the bottom, then unfold again.

origami pentagon step 3

Fold the bottom right corner to the center of the X-shaped crease.

origami pentagon step 4

Fold the top layer in half.

origami pentagon step 5

Fold up edge AB to lie along edge AC.

origami pentagon step 6

Turn over the paper. Then fold in half along this line.

origami pentagon step 7

Cut along the edge of the top layer

origami pentagon step 8a

origami pentagon step 8b

Unfold, and you have a perfect pentagon :-)

origami pentagon finished

Folding the 5 Pointed Origami Star (Photos)

Are you sure you don't want to watch my video instead? I think it's easier to follow than the photos.

Video: 5 pointed origami star

Step 1

Start with your paper nice-side-down. Fold the pentagon in half through each of its points and unfold again, so that you have a set of creases like this:

5 pointed origami star preliminary creases

Fold up the bottom edge so that the corners meet the creases you just made:

5 pointed origami star step 1

5 pointed origami star step 1b

Unfold again, then make the same fold for all the other sides of the pentagon, so that you have a set of creases like this:

5 pointed origami star step 1d

Step 2

Fold in the left edge along one of the creases you just made. Then fold up the bottom edge, at the same time pulling the corner of the pentagon out to the left like this. Squash the fold flat.

5 pointed origami star step 2

Unfold completely. Rotate the pentagon 1/5th of a rotation so that the next side is at the bottom, then repeat the folds as in the image above. Do the same thing for all the rest of the sides of the pentagon. When you've finished you will have a new set of creases that look something like this:

5 pointed origami star step 2b

Step 3

Starting with the pentagon completely unfolded, pinch all the corners together and squash them toward the center. With a bit of "massaging" the paper will collapse into a star shape.

5 pointed origami star step 3b

5 pointed origami star step 3c

5 pointed origami star step 3d

Step 4

Turn over the star. Fold in the right edge to the center line, like this:

5 pointed origami star step 4a

Working clockwise around the star, do the same thing for all the other arms:

5 pointed origami star step 4a


Tada! Here's the finished star:

5 pointed origami star finished front

5 pointed origami star finished back

Optional: Tidying up the back

Did you make your star from one-sided colored paper? If you did, you'll notice that there's a white hexagon in the middle on the back. Do you want that hexagon to be colored, like the rest of the star? Here's how, thanks to a clever tip sent in by reader Grace.

"I did a little extra step... use a pair of scissors to snip into the small hexagon and tuck the flaps back under the arms of the star. This series of images shows how"

Thanks for the tip and the photos Grace!

5 pointed origami star tidying the back

How did you star turn out? Please leave a comment if you've got a question or just want to say hi.

Fun fact: The band Coldplay used this origami star design in their set for their live performances of their song "A Sky Full of Stars"! Here's the video

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If you liked the 5 pointed origami star, you might also like these other Christmas star crafts...

...or check out my full collection of homemade Christmas ornaments .

Happy folding!

Make an Origami Christmas Star Decoration


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