Can You Mortgage Before You Roll in Monopoly Plus


"PLAY IT RIGHT!" Some people play the MONOPOLY game according to what are called "house" rules. The official MONOPOLY game rules - which are followed in tournament play - do not allow such variations. Monopoly Streets pop-up message everytimes player making new rules.

In the game of Monopoly, House Rules are variations on standard play. Some of them are very common, such as putting taxes and fines on Free Parking. Others, such as the "Sell Cards" rule are somewhat obscure. Many casual Monopoly players are surprised and disappointed to discover that some of the rules they are used to are not actually part of the official rules. House rules are totally forbidden in tournament play, as those games go by the Official Rules, plus time limits.

Standard/Video Game House Rules

  • Initial Money: Normally all players will start with $1,500 but it can be changed to make the game shorter (or longer).
    • In the SNES version of the game, you can set the initial money ranging from $0 to $30,000.
    • In Monopoly Streets, the minimum amount is $500, $500 increments, to the maximum amount of $2,500
  • Properties at Start: You can dealt all players a number of properties at random (sub-rules: if small amount of properties is dealt, players must pay the bank equal to buy price of all the properties he/she acquired), auction some of the properties out, or none at all (Default).
    • In the SNES version of the game, you can give any properties to any players you wish (for free).
  • Speed Die: Adds a 3rd die and special rules to help speed up the game, either enabled from start, or enabled on each player's first turn AFTER passing GO.
  • Build Rules: Allow you to changed how player's can build a Houses/Hotel, there are 3 types, one is exclusive to Monopoly Streets.
    1. Even Build (Default): With Even Build, houses must be built evenly on each property in a color group.
    2. Free Build: Free Build allow houses to be built unevenly once a complete color group is owned.
    3. City Build: City Build allow houses to be built without owning a color group.
  • Houses Available: Total numbers of houses available in the game (Default: 32).
  • Hotels Available: Total numbers of hotels available in the game (Default: 12).
  • Houses per Hotel: Number of houses a player must buy before they can build a hotel (Default: 4).
  • Properties on Bankruptcy: When a player goes bankrupt, their properties are either given to the player owed rent (Default), randomly distributed to all players, or always returned to the Bank.
  • Auction: When a player lands on an unowned property, by Default they can put it up for auction. But it can either be changed to forced auction (property put it up for auction everytimes an unowned property is lands) or simply pass on that property.
  • Selling Houses Percentage: This is the percentage of the purchase price that the player will get back when selling a house or hotel (Default: 50%).
  • Mortgage Interest: Mortgage interest charged in addition to the Mortgage price, before you can unmortgage a property (Default: 10%).
  • Salary for Passing GO: Amount of money the player collects for passing GO (Default: $200).
  • Double Salary on GO: When set to ON, player gets double salary ($400 instead of $200) if they land (i.e. end their movement) on GO.
  • Income Tax/Luxury Tax: Amount the player owes when they land on Tax (Default: $200 and $100 respectively).
  • Income Tax 10% Rule: By default this rule is removed since 2008, but if it is ON, the player can pay a flat fee, or 10% of their total Net Worth. Alternatively, the player land on Income Tax forced to pay 10% of their total Net Worth.
  • Free Parking Payout: Nothing happen (by Default), player collect a fixed amount of money from the bank, or player collect all the Fee Collected from taxes, jail, Chance and Community Chest cards (Other versions include placing the final unpurchased property there).
  • Max Turns in Jail: Maximum number of turns in Jail a player is allowed before they must pay bail (Default: 3).
  • Bail Amount to Leave Jail: Amount of money charged to get out of Jail (Default: $50).
  • Jail Punishment: While player is in Jail, one or more of the following punishment rules may applied.
    1. Player cannot collect any rents
    2. Player cannot unmortgage a properties.
    3. Player cannot build Houses/Hotels.
    4. Player cannot trade with other players.
  • Place Token: (SNES) Normally all players start at GO, but you can change the start position of any tokens to anywhere on the board (excluding Go To Jail space).
  • Place Buildings: (SNES) Before the game, if at least 1 player have a complete color group, you can put Houses/Hotels to that properties (for free).

Fan-Made House Rules

  • Less Money: Each player gets just $1200 in 2 500s, 1 100, 1 50, 1 20, 2 10s, 1 5 and 5 1s
  • Headstart: The Banker auctions any properties the players want.
  • More Money: Each players receive 2 500s, 2 100s, 10 50s, 10 20s, 7 10s, 5 5s, and 5 1s, instead of the original 2 500s, 2 100s, 2 50s, 6 20s, 5 10s, 5 5s, and 5 1s. In the mega edition, they get 2 500s, 2 100s, 10 50s, 10 20s, 7 10s, 5 5s, and 5 1s, but with the 1 1,000 bill.
  • Even More Money: Each player uses 3 500s instead of 2 to make the game more fun.

1000 bill used by some people in the original version.

  • Exchange: If someone pays additional money (like $500 for Boardwalk), the $100 change goes to the center of the board, and when someone lands on Free Parking, the total exchanges go to the lucky player.

5000 bill used by some people in the mega version.

  • Additional Bills: The banker uses $1000 bills (or 6 in the Junior Version and $5000 bills in the Mega Version) and they give more money to make entertainment longer and education shorter.
  • Bankruptcy = No Longer Banker: If the Banker goes bankrupt, the player with the most cash becomes the Banker and the second most cash becomes the auctioneer.
  • Card Sellers: A Chance or Community Chest card may be sold to another player for any price, but must NOT be revealed to ANY player until it is sold.
  • Voluntary Bankruptcy: At any time, ONE player per game may declare Voluntary Bankruptcy. They return all they have to the Bank and receive $800 and the Purple/Brown properties. The owners of these properties will receive $120 in compensation, plus $50 per Houses and $250 per Hotel. This may only be done ONCE per game.
  • Snake Eyes = Cash: When rolling 2 Ones (Snake Eyes), a player receives $100. Other versions call for one of each bill, totaling $666, plus the 20 bill.
  • Take a Chance: A player has the option to do nothing when landing on a Chance space.
  • See the Sights: Players must travel around the board one complete time before they can begin buying properties.
  • Cash Advance: Players can make loans between each other to co-own properties. Rent collection is decided between the two co-owners
  • Three's a Crowd: When there are 3 players in a row on 3 unique properties, each player collects $500.
  • Delayed Purchase: No players may purchase property until ONE player has passed Go. This rule makes the game go a little faster if the See the Sights rule is also used. This rule and the one above are good with games with 5 or more players.
  • Go Go GO!: If a player lands directly on Go, they have the right to not collect their $200 and instead move their game piece to any place on the board.
  • Speak up: The owner must demand rent before the very next player rolls, or even before the same player (having rolled doubles) rolls again.
  • Not staying the night: If a player lands on somebody's property on a roll of doubles, they are "not staying the night" and therefore do not need to pay rent.
  • Auction Winner: If the one who landed on the property does not win the auction, they pay the rent to the winner.
  • Auction Loser: If the one who landed on the property does not win the auction, they give $250 to each player.
  • Gotta own them all: No property trading may occur until all properties are owned. Trades may be made regardless of a players turn in the game.
  • Upgrade: Allow a player to build a hotel directly, even if there are not enough houses in the bank (one hotel equals five houses). This way a building shortage only affects poor players.
  • Downgrade: Allow a player to downgrade a hotel to four house even though there are not enough houses (write-in paper that is 4 houses)
  • Location, Location, Location: Build a certain property only when they land on it. Combined with the requirement that properties in a color group be developed equally, this makes development very slow as it can only be done one house at a time.
  • Development Mogul: You are able to buy houses and hoard them in order to prevent others from winning.
  • Halfway Chairman of the Board: When you draw a Chance card making you Chairman of the Board, you pay each player $25.
  • Jail Defender: When someone goes to jail, they must pay each player $100.
  • Twelve-Cash: When someone rolls 12 (15 in mega edition), everyone pays them $35.
  • Land Luck: When someone lands on Illinois Avenue (the most stopped space), they must pay everyone a tip of $24.
  • Property with Tax: Add 10% Tax to any property you buy. Tax money goes to the middle of the board instead of to the bank.
  • Boardwalk is no Bankrupt!: When someone buys Boardwalk, they must pay every player $100 ($200 in the Mega Edition)
  • Go for Monopoly: When someone LANDS on GO, they give other players hotel (in their monopoly) for free.
  • Free Jail: When someone goes to Jail, in a 6-player game, every other player pays them $10.
  • Jail Auction: When you go to Jail, you must auction all of your properties.
  • Free Additional Properties: In the Mega Edition, at the beginning of the game, the banker auctions Arctic Avenue, Massachusetts Avenue, Maryland Avenue, New Jersey Avenue, Gas Company, Michigan Avenue, California Avenue, South Carolina Avenue, and Florida Avenue.
  • Jail Ends a Player: When someone goes to jail or lands in "Just Visiting", they go bankrupt.
  • Bankrupt Ends: When one player goes bankrupt, the game is over even in a 3-or-more-player-game. It is similar to Monopoly Junior.
  • Sell Properties to the Bank: If mortgaging is not good for you, just sell them.
  • $200 for GO during Jail: When a player passes GO, they collect $200, even in Jail.
  • Free Jail: A player goes to Jail for one turn and gets it for free, but auctions their most expensive property.
  • Decuple Go: A player receives $2,000 for passing GO.
  • Tenth-Of-Go: A player receives $20 for passing GO.
  • One-and-a-Half-Go: A player receiver $300 for landing directly on Go.
  • No Mortgages: Sell title deeds and get half the price to be an anti-auctioneer.
  • Skyscrapers: Build yellow skyscrapers in the original version.
  • Space Elevators: Build blue space elevators in the mega version.
  • Cash for Winner: When you get $5,000, you win the game. ($10,000 in The Mega Edition)
  • Free Parking Auction: When you land on Free Parking, pick a property for the bank to auction. This is similar to the Auction space in the Mega Edition.
  • Smooth Rental value progressions: When a player lands on a property and the owner owns two properties in that color group and there is a third property they don't own, the player who landed there pays 150% of the normal rent.
  • Don't Use the $1 Bills: Remove all $1 bills from the game, and round all money amounts to the nearest $5.
  • Advance To Boardwalk: In addition to standard monopoly action, players also try to race around the board all the way to Boardwalk, and the 1st player to pass or land on Boardwalk, get a $400 bonus, 2nd get $200, etc. This rule lasts until the 4th player reaches boardwalk.
  • Le ol' Switcheroo: During a certain number of turns, all players randomly switch his/her token position with their opponent's token position.
  • Exact Change Only/No Refunds: No players will give or receive any change if they pay more than the exact amount owed.
  • Trade Improved Properties: Properties with houses or hotels may be traded without first selling the houses (Cannot be used unless "City Build" rule is on).
  • Balanced Skyscrapers: Building skyscrapers in The Mega Edition costs +$100 on any property compared to the cost of buying a house or a hotel. This increased price is also factored in the refund received after selling skyscrapers. (Default: 50% of total cost). This balances out the power of skyscrapers between the more and less expensive properties, as a $150 skyscraper on Mediterranean Avenue is three times its original cost, whereas a $300 skyscraper on Boardwalk is only 50% more expensive than normal.

Can You Mortgage Before You Roll in Monopoly Plus


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